Restart One

Web Design Hampshire  |  COUNSELLOR

Restart One provides online single-session counselling for those seeking help. As the coronavirus pandemic unfolded waiting lists for therapy grew longer so providing an online and over the phone alternative became vital.

Founder, therapist and writer Angus Lyon co-authored the book ‘A Lawyer’s Guide to Wellbeing and Managing Stress’ and is an active contributor to LawCare, a charity proving mental health support to the legal community so the branding and website needed to appeal in particular to millennials and gen X professionals.

The was centred around a blog structure behind the scenes to provide an solid outlet for ongoing articles, books and posts which can be easily self-managed. Clear contact options for enquiries via email or social media were added to the footer and as usual the website was built to be responsive for mobile, tablet and various screen sizes.

Have a look for yourself below and let’s talk about your upcoming website requirements.

“The website looks great and your honest feedback during the build process was really helpful. The website gets compliments, so thanks to you for that.”


Angus Lyon, Restart One

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